Terms & Conditions

Protection of personal data

TANTO informs you that, for your best and most complete service through the services we offer in our online store, it processes your personal data, based on Law 2472/1997 and its relevant amendments and in accordance with the following Guidelines: You give us only your standard details, related to the smooth completion of the purchase and delivery of your order and to personalize and improve your service.

The information we request from you:

Personal data: Each visitor can browse the TANTO online store without giving any personal information. We will only need personal data (Name, address, phone, your e-mail and a password) only when ordering products.

Document data:

In short, we only ask for as much information as we need to enjoy a unique shopping experience: consistent delivery of the products you ordered, secure payment of your order and personalized service based on your needs and preferences. The information we collect from your visits and purchases at TANTO. In order to be able to offer a personalized service, most large companies use alphanumeric identification files, the so-called cookies. Cookies are divided into permanent and session: permanent cookies remain on your hard drive even after you finish your visit, mentioning a wide range of items that are used for the next visit. Session cookies are used only to recognize that you are entering the site, so you do not need to ask for a password on all pages that include data transaction. These are deleted immediately after you leave the site. TANTO uses session cookies: in order not to constantly ask you for a password when you visit our various pages, we must recognize you when you enter our online store. How do we manage the data and information you have entrusted to us? We use the data you have entrusted to us to offer you a unique shopping experience, in the following ways: To deliver to your place orders that you have procured online. To be able to confirm your orders. So that we can answer your possible questions and inquiries in the customer service department. To send you special offers and updates of new products. In no case do we distribute your personal data to third parties (article 11 of law 2472/1997) In no case do we sell or rent your personal data to third parties. These data are used exclusively by TANTO to continuously improve your service. If in the future we see that sharing some of your information with a third party can significantly benefit your purchases, it will be done only with your approval. An exception to this obligation is the case where the specific information is requested by a court decision from bodies of the Law.


The website may use cookies to identify the visitor / user / subscriber of certain services and pages of the website. Cookies are small text files, which are stored on the hard drive of each visitor / user / subscriber and do not receive knowledge of any document or file from this computer. They are used only to facilitate the visitor / user / subscriber access to specific services of the website and for statistical purposes, in order to determine the areas in which the services of the website are useful or popular or for marketing purposes. The visitor / user / subscriber of the website can configure his server (browser) in such a way as to either warn him about the use of cookies in specific services of the website, or not to allow the acceptance of the use of cookies in no way. In case the visitor / user / subscriber of the specific services and pages of the website does not wish the use of cookies for his / her identification, he / she cannot have further access to these services. The website uses Google Analytics cookies for anonymous demographics and interests. To send the newsletters we use only the information you have told us, ie your email and name, if you have registered it. We also keep your IP address. All procedures are in accordance with the new EU GIP and your files are protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy. The purpose of the processing is, exclusively, the sending to the users of newsletters, offers, etc. of TANTO.